BOBCAT Families "Do you wanna build a snowman?" Comment below with your best snow creation for a chance to win some Bobcat gear!
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
No School Friday, January 12, 2024
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
no school
No School on January 9, 2024
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
snow day
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
school resumes
SHS Leadership Food Drive
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
Food drive
LAST CALL FOR RSVP! Please respond no later than 11/6/2023 at 3:00pm to ensure a proper head count! Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, November 10, 2023, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Jackson
We are excited to share that on Monday, November 6 we will be hosting a parent education night from 6:30-8:30 pm in the SHS gym. Detective Richard Wistocki, nationally recognized High Technology Cyber Crimes Specialist, will be presenting proactive strategies, expert insight, and invaluable resources designed to support our adult community in understanding technology and how it relates to the safety of our children. This is a night that you will not want to miss! A special thank you to Somonauk Education Foundation for funding this educational night for our adults as well as for our middle and high school students during that day.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Morris
Cyber-Bullying Presentation
Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, November 10, 2023, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Jackson
Reminder: No School Monday, October 9, 2023
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
The Northern Illinois Food Pantry Mobile truck will be at the Health Department this Friday, October 6th from 10am-11:30am or until food is distributed. Date: Friday, October 6, 2023 Time: 10:00 am- 11:30 am Location: DeKalb County Health Department Address: 2550 N Annie Glidden Road, DeKalb
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
food bank
Somonauk School District #432 will be hosting a Veterans Day Ceremony on Friday, November 10, 2023, in the Somonauk High School gymnasium. The program will start at 9:00 a.m. We would like to invite any U.S. Veteran or any current service member to be recognized. If you plan on attending the ceremony and breakfast, please email Ashley Jackson at your name, branch of service, your job in the service, years of service, and if you have family that attends Somonauk School. We would also like to invite all Veterans and family to breakfast after the ceremony in the high school lobby, so please include the number attending. You may also call the school office at 815-498-2314 ext. 1222 to sign up.
over 1 year ago, Ashley Jackson
Sophomore Class Candle Fundraiser has officially begun! Students has received an order form. The due date for this fundraiser is Fri, Oct 20. If you have any questions please contact Mrs. Hammett or Mr. McMahan (sophomore class advisors). Please let us know if you have any questions. We appreciate your support!
over 1 year ago, Mary Plante
Be a BOBCAT! Come join us.
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
On Tuesday, Septepmber 19 The Student Leadership Initiative Program (SLIP) was Team-Building day! Danielle, the contact and organizer through the Kendall County Outdoor Education Center, planned many team-building, communication, and reflective activities for the SLIP students. It was really awesome to see how the Somonauk students provided input and feedback to the group.
over 1 year ago, Mary Plante
Student Leadership Initiative Program
Luke's Lights
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
Reminder: No School for Students on Friday, September 8th
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
No school
Students at Somonauk High School earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognition Programs. These programs celebrate students' hard work in high school and showcase their strong academic performance. At Somonauk High School, 5 students received the academic honor, including the following students: Douglas Shoener (NRSTA), Ellie Wiegman (NRSTA), Isabella George (NRSTA), Madeline Short (NRSTA), Thomas Banning (NRSTA) “We’re thrilled to celebrate our students and recognize them for the great work they’ve been doing. We’re proud of their strong academic performance in the classroom and on College Board assessments like the PSAT/NMSQT®, PSAT™ 10, and AP® exams,” said Somonauk High School Principal Eric Benson. “There’s so much that makes our students unique, and receiving this honor reinforces this as an asset for their future.” The criteria for eligible students include: GPA of 3.5 or higher. PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10 assessment scores that are within the top 10% of assessment takers in each state for each award program or earned a score of 3 or higher on 2 or more AP Exams in 9th and 10th grade.
over 1 year ago, Mary Plante
5 Seniors Awarded with Academic Honors
Are you interested in Gaming? Contact Mr. McMahan ( for more details.
over 1 year ago, Mary Plante
Are you interested in Gaming?
Welcome the SHS new school counselor, Desiree Kice! Ms Kice graduated from Glenbard South High School and Columbia College and National Louis University. Her favorite vacation spot is England. She has even backpacked through Europe twice on her own. If she were not in education, she would like to be a motivational speaker. She is excited to inspire our high school students!
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness
Jackie Schrader is part of the SHS math team. She graduated from Oregon High School and Northern Illinois University. In her free time, she enjoys reading and going on hikes. Ms Schrader cheers on the Chicago Blackhawks and loves to go to Silver Dollar City. Her next “dream Job” would be in Aquatics.
over 1 year ago, Elizabeth Ness